DirectoryVault Link Deletion/Change Request

We are happy to process link deletion and change requests, but please read the following information carefully!

1. First verify that your link is still in fact listed in our directory. You can easily do this by entering the URL of your site in the search field at the top of the page.

2. If you verified your link exists in our directory, then fill out the form completely with your information. We need your website address, not the location of your link in this directory. For example:, and not Forms filled out incorrectly can not be processed.

3. Change requests are usually finished in 1-2 weeks. They are processed in the order they are recieved. These requests take manpower on our end to complete so please do not submit multiple forms for the same link or email us about the request. You will not receive an email when your link is deleted.

4. If you want your change or deletion request processed the same day, we offer an express option for a nominal charge of $1.99

DirectoryVault Link Deletion Form

I confirm I have entered my URL in the search field and it still exists in this directory.
I confirm I am the legal owner or authorized agent of this website.


Same Day Express
Link Deletion/Change

$1.99 change fee required

URL of your website to change
Change requested